Monday, March 5, 2012

The College 7 are here!

Friday night (classic for a college themed litter!) Queezle delivered 7 beautiful Belgian Tervuren puppies - 5 boys and 2 girls.

And no, I don't want to hear about how I am depriving some shelter dog of a home. We had more homes than puppies and all of the people work with rescue and help their local shelters. However, their personal choice for a canine companion is a well bred Terv. Health clearances, temperament,structure and working ability all checked in parents. End of lecture!

The pups are noisy, active, and did I say, beautiful? Kate came home Thursday night so she was here for the whelping but back at Cornell now until next weekend. I am doing my best on the home front.
I am no Martha Stewart but I thought the blankets were arranged quite nicely. Symmetrical, sort of color coded even, pulled flat. Pink water bucket hanging for Queezle and nice red heat lamp over one corner. No - in total disgust, Queezle comes in and causes a mini tsunami. She roils up blankets, tumbling puppies heads over tails. Good thing they roll well at this age!

Then we have the interactions with my husband. "You aren't washing puppy blankets in with our clothes are you?" (Note that at this stage Queezle is doing 99.9% of the clean up so the blankets aren't very dirty.) "Of course not!" Because, actually, I am washing some of our clothes in with the puppy blankets - it is all a matter of semantics.

"Smells good in here. Is that our breakfast?" Well no, actually it is a fresh duck egg and cheese omelet for Queezle for her late morning meal - "elevenses" for you Hobbit fans. The other dogs will all get a bit too but the humans are on their own!


  1. Must. . . see. . . individual photos! Also curious about what colleges make the cut? They can't all be little puppy "Cornell!"

    Donna D.

  2. What fun! Congratulations on the new arrivals. Can't wait to see the spots :)
    Elaine Gewirtz and the Dalmatians.

  3. So excited for this litter! Like they say, "Life begins after college!"

  4. No spots - puppies will probably not have actual college names but rather a college theme - like Spring Break or BMOC :)

  5. Darn, I was hoping for literary names like Mordecai Seigal or Ernest Hemmingway.
