From The Postmistress by Sarah Blake:
"Long ago, I believed that, given a choice, people would turn to good as they would to the light. I believed that reporting - honest, unflinching pictures of the truth - could be a beacon to lead us to demand that wrongs be righted, injustices punished, and the weak and the innocent cared for. I must have believed, when I started out, that the shoulder of public opinion could be put up against the door of public indifference and would, when given the proper direction, shove it wide with the power of wanting to stand on the side of angels."
This conveys to me how much power words can have and how much responsibility is put on those of us who write to do the "right" thing. Sadly, that is not always the case. Perhaps that is why I like animals so much - they tend to be very upfront and forthright about how they feel and what is fair or not.
Deb E
From Hokey:
Oooh, I have been watching Olympics AND catching the latest weather. It says we may have a big snow storm tonight! Deb is concerned as it could be very wet snow which increases the odds of no power here but I still think snow storms are fun. Especially now that my hair is actually growing back! I still wear my cool blue coat out if I am going to be out for more than a few minutes but I am almost fuzzy now.
If we have a "snow day", Tom can stay home and that means one more human to pass out extra attention. Tom likes to build snow forts which I think is fun though I am not very brave about "storming the fort".
My one concern is that I was hoping to make Open Training tomorrow since this is a nonchemo week but I can train a bit in the barn aisle. The donkeys hate snow and storms so they are hoping it misses us again.
Hokey, who agrees with Deb that animals are more honest!
Bonding over bananas
14 years ago
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