Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Catching up!

Boy, things have been busy! Between Tom's soccer and marching band I have barely had time to catch my breath.
My Belgian Breeds examiner column has just finished a really fun treat recipe contest. Check it out at www.examiner.com/belgianbreeds . The recipes were fairly simple and our dogs loved all of them. The peanut butter and tuna treats were enjoyed by the humans too! I hate liver and hate even having it in the house but I have to say the dogs were thrilled with the winning treats.

Kate found a tick on Queezle the other day and I pulled one off Hokey a week ago. So don't figure that tick season is over. Boy, I really hate them!

Hokey continues to do well - now one year and one month post diagnosis. I have added organic, raw apple cider to his regimen - just 1 tbsp a day. The glutamine and arginine were dropped as he is well post chemo at this point. I just keep crossing my fingers that he stays in remission. He feels great, looks great!
Deb E

Oh yeah, I am doing just fine! I race and bark at the other dogs, I leap, I dance, I am!


  1. I pulled a tick off Allie a couple of days ago. I hate them, too! Glad Hokey's continuing to do well.

  2. Long may you run, Hokey -- you're in good hands!
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