Whoa, yah! Deb didn't give ME a chance to post yesterday. I think you all need the real version of our track.
I was pysched - so psyched I was whining when Deb was putting the harness on me - bright neon green I might add and I look quite dashing in it! Plus festive for the season you know.
Forget the stupid sugar plums - I had visions of double cheeseburgers dancing through MY head! Deb had been stuffing green Xmas tree Peeps into her - guess she felt she might need a sugar high. She did tell me that I would get chicken RIGHT after the track but might have to wait until the drive home for my cheeseburger.
I was very glad to have that nice woman for my tracklayer. She has great scent :). Off we went, flying down the field, then up the hill. I am not at all sure why they felt the track should go under this creepy tree and right next to a big telephone pole on its side. That looked like the kind of place where my brother wolves might be hiding. Never fear though - Hokey's great nose could handle taking the turn a touch early.
I admit I had a lapse then - I saw a bright white thing and figured it might be an article, so we went off to check that off. No dice, nothing that easy! I put the old snoz back to work and lo and behold, we found a dark sock! Cool - one article out of the way. Of course Deb had no idea we, I mean I, had already handled one set of cross tracks. Ha, they couldn't fool me!
Now we trucked down a hill through some brush with nasty prickers - I really hate prickers! Blew through the other cross tracks too - do they think we are stupid? If they couldn't fool me the first time, why even try again?
What is this?! My track now went through this huge river! I am guessing a mile wide and probably about that deep. I don't mind baths or working in the rain (and it was raining) but putting my feet into water? UGH!
Still, double cheeseburger on my mind, so through the creek we went. Then I took us down this path in the woods. I find paths in woods to be hard to work, so I am glad we had practiced at the Westmo Town Park. Those cinder paths are tough!
And what should my competent nose find but a purple tie! Hmmm, guess we know why it became a tracking article - a bit bright for average the suit and tie crowd. By now I swear I could almost smell my cheeseburgers!
We went a looong way in the woods, then hit a field and I KNEW to turn left! Yes, back to the creek. This is where Deb almost blew it big time. All that work and now she hesitates to follow me down to the creek again?!!! This is the dog who HATES water, so if I say it goes there and *I* am willing to cross it again - what is HER problem?!!! She is even wearing our good luck shirt - the bright green one from Beauty of the Beasts that says Trust me.... I am the One with the Nose.
So I humor her - checking out the edge of the field thoroughly. Kind of interesting - different big mushrooms, including a bright orange one, some neat trash. Finally I am running out of options, so I insist we really need to cross the creek, finish this thing and let the judges move on to the next dog.
Deb follows me!!! Hallelujah!!! Across the creek we go and then there is ice. I really don't like walking across pure ice, so I kind of hop up onto the jump there. Got stuck with my line for a second but Deb's good old opposable thumbs helped us out there. I hopped back down to the path where it was mud now and WOW - WHAT IS THIS???!!! I snuffle, verify twice, turn to smile at Deb and sit - right there, even in the cold mud!
My glove - a sort of ratty small brown one but still, the glove of my tracklayer. Deb checks, she screams, everybody screams, I leap up and get mud on Deb, they all cry a bit and then, finally we head to the car for my chicken (cheeseburgers yet to come!)
Back at the car, Deb dried me thoroughly and stuffed me with rotisserie chicken. Good stuff - you can get it at most grocery stores cheaper than buying and cooking your own chicken - strip off the meat and save it for your dog. I could write a cookbook!
Anyway, I LOVE to be dried and rubbed with towels. Just feels good, you know? We had to wait a bit for my beautiful green and blue rosette but then we were on the road, heading for McD's for my double cheeseburger!!! And steak the last two nights too!
I am really rubbing this into Queezle's face. She thinks she is so hot being a top breed dog - well, that is nothing but looks. If I hadn't had a problem with a bit of equipment I could have been a breed CH too. But a CT is even better because *I* had to earn it!
Deb says no way we retire - she has promised me we will keep working. Doing some duck stuff - I am an awesome duck dog if I say so myself! - , maybe some utility obedience, more ASCA tracking and herding, yeah, lots to do, more cheeseburgers to earn!