With Hokey in remission and off chemo we have plans for the coming weekend. There is a big 4 day show cluster at the Fairgrounds in Syracuse. I just entered him in Excellent FAST in agility and Open A in obedience. Neither of those have great pass or qualifying rates but he has 2 legs in FAST and one in Open so I am hoping we can pull off a couple of qualifying runs in both areas. That may be greedy but we can hope.
The best thing of course is that we will actually BE at something as I wasn't sure last September if we could get to compete together ever again. the last agility trials were a HUGE boost to me and hopefully we will have fun this weekend no matter what.
Deb E
From Hokey:
Yeah, cool. I am still negotiating. I figure since I am at upper levels in every area of competition and since I am a cancer patient in remission, I should get my own personal hamburger for every achievement. I mean,maybe even just for showing up!
Deb keeps saying we both need to lose some weight and get in better shape but really, I think that *I* at least look pretty good. It will be fun to get out and hopefully be a BIG star though. Kate is showing her girls in agility over the weekend, but to be honest, they aren't nearly as good as I am.
Hokey, figuring false humility never did anybody any good :))
Bonding over bananas
14 years ago